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Tips for Earth Day

earth day

In honor of Earth Day this month, we want to educate the community on how easy it can be to conserve water, help the planet and save money!

No April Fools… Did you know according to the EPA, the average American family of four can use 400 gallons of water every day, which is considerably more than our foreign friends!

  1. Turn the water heater down. Most water heaters are set to 140 degrees when installed, but they should be set at 120 degrees. Double check yours. Turning it down 20 degrees can help save energy and money on your utility bill.
  2. Be mindful of laundry. Only wash your clothes if you have a full load to do. Also, washing in cold water will help save energy that would have gone to heating the water (and it works just as well!).
  3. Don’t leave water running. Remember to turn it off while brushing your teeth, shaving, washing your face, washing dishes, etc. Every little bit counts!
  4. Don’t use the toilet as a trash can. Every flush wastes gallons of fresh water.
  5. Take shorter showers. If you’re already showering as quickly as possible, consider investing in a high-efficiency shower head. You’ll be able to enjoy the same water pressure and amount of time in the shower, while saving water and money.

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