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Do You Have a “Perfect” Plumbing System?


If you are a home or business owner, you probably want to be sure that your plumbing system is running as close to “perfect” as it can. If your plumbing system isn’t being maintained as it should be, you could have hidden plumbing issues that could lead to costly repairs in the future! You don’t have to worry about this if you take pains to keep your plumbing in “perfect,” or near-perfect condition. If you’re wondering how close to “perfect” your home or business’s plumbing system is, ask yourself the following questions:

When Was The Last Time You Had Your Drains Professionally Cleaned?

“cleandrains”Has it been more than six months? More than a year? If so, chances are your plumbing system as a whole is suffering for it.

Keeping regular drain cleaning appointments with a trusted plumber not only helps your drains empty faster, but also allows your plumber the opportunity to identify other problems within your lines before they become major plumbing problems!

Having your drains cleaned semi-annually (or quarterly, if you find yourself still dealing with frequent clogs in your drains) can save you from costly plumbing repairs down the line.

Is Your Water Pressure Properly Balanced?

“balancedwaterpressure”What exactly is “water pressure,” and why does it matter if it’s balanced? Water pressure is the amount of force (measured in bars, PSI, or meters) used to move water through your pipes.

Low water pressure can affect everything from how enjoyable your shower is, to how long it takes you to fill a pot with water, to your ability to flush your toilet!

While no one likes experiencing low water pressure, high water pressure can cause hidden damage to your piping system (like leaks or cracks, that can lead to a burst pipe emergency in the future).

Keeping your water pressure balanced can save you from needing complicated and expensive repairs. If you are unsure about the water pressure in your home or office, consult your local water authorities, to get an idea of where your water pressure should be.

Are Your Drains Protected by Screens?

“haircleaner”Lastly, are you practicing the simplest step in protecting your plumbing system, using screens to keep hair and food debris out of your drains?

If none of the drains in your home- your shower or bathroom sink drains, your kitchen sink- have a plastic or metal drain strainer on them, you could be the cause of your own slow draining, smelly, clogged up drains!

Drain strainers, or hair blockers, are an inexpensive way that you can improve the quality of your plumbing system every day. Just install the strainer (most cost only a few dollars at your local hardware store), and remember to remove any hair or food that has gotten caught in it frequently. That’s all!

Always Check Your Local Requirements

“localrequirements”Requirements for work permits and inspections can vary from city to city. Before having any repairs or major work done on your plumbing systems, make sure that you have the proper permits, and that you are adhering to your town or city’s codes.

This can save you from having to pay fines later for lacking work permits, or failing inspections.